Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cowardly attacks on brave, innocent Cricketers ….

The gruesome attack on innocent Sri Lankan cricket team and on the brave security officers is indeed tragic and must be censured by everybody, including those who follow or do not follow or like Cricket.

The impact of terrorism should not be measured in the number of its victims but in its attempts to upset economic, political systems, destabilize democratic societies, and in creating a climate of fear and a sense of powerlessness.

C.L.R. James in his epic book, Beyond a Boundary has rightly said that ‘Cricket is an Art’ and the game has profoundly helped in establishing national culture and influenced social, political change in Cricket playing nations.

Come to think of, doesn’t Cricket unite People amidst the chaos of religion, caste, beliefs, social status, etc, but ironically Cricket and political administrators in Pakistan are determined to disintegrate the fabric of this sport and tarnish their glorious history. It is therefore ridiculous to expect that Cricket would not be affected by the contradictions facing Pakistan. Weren’t the Champions trophy and other tours cancelled by western countries and India, for more than a year, for security reasons?

Sport is an antithesis of terrorism but unless Pakistan abolishes feudalism and precludes its government and army from colluding, either overtly or covertly with fundamentalist and nefarious groups, terrorism will cease to exist in Pakistan. Now is the time for its civic society to get together and prevent its country from being a safe haven to terrorist and rapidly becoming an anarchic society.

It will be a while before international cricket returns to Pakistan or even at neutral venues. Undoubtedly, Pakistan will loose the honour to co-host the 2011 ICC World Cup.

Hopefully better sense will prevail and Pakistan cricket and sports teams will not be ostracized and loose their place in world cricket. Cricket and sport will never be defeated by cowards. Sports did not loose after Munich Olympics and it shouldn’t after today’s heinous incident.

Indeed a sad day in the history of sports and world cricket and my sympathies with Sri Lankan team and with the families and friends of the brave security men.

My thoughts are also with the Pakistani cricketers for they are not to be blamed. Let us not condemn their cricket team.

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