Friday, July 10, 2009

A Small Beginning! - Highlights of another School Reunion …

Just a week ago, on the day, when the SSC results were announced, students were smiling and having party at Hotel Ratna, Goregaon. These teenagers were happy and ready to explore their dreams, a new future, and a new life that beckoned them.

Outside the hotel, some boys were equally ecstatic, laughing and perhaps even fighting their tears back. These lads were meeting for the first time. Incidentally, 23 years ago, these boys from St John’s High School had parted - on the same day !

Circa – July 4, 2009

The email did receive a bleak response. Yet we were confident and hoped to see a score, if not a dozen. However expectations grow and are pricked faster than stock market bubbles.

But guess what….. When it comes to alumni reunion, expectations belie any prognostications. And so we had a fairly fabulous alumni reunion with 16 members albeit there were some last minute cancellations.

Imagine few energetic members, from different continents, eagerly standing, near the mall entrance - searching, looking at every new entrant with hope, expectations, desperately recollecting and trying to establish some resemblance with old familiar faces.

1 p.m. - Atul Kichambre, Vinod Halkarni, Madhavi Patel (now Shah), and Kamlesh Devnani were waiting. Their hearts racing, eyes looking in all directions amidst that packed mall, and often looking at the mobile screen for any miss calls. In few minutes others joined. Renuka Acharya and Rekha Kamat walked together and Madhavi was delighted.

Samir Mullaji, Sajid Sheikh, Balachandra Pai, Harish Parmar, Yogesh Gosain, Sunil Anchan, Pravin Saliyan, Sunil Nair, Suresh Balan and yours truly soon joined.

With modifications in Article 377, people in the mall didn’t seem to object us hugging or even walking with arms around the shoulder. In few moments we found an empty table and slowly managed to grab another with chairs for all. Incidentally, those chairs and table were small and made from wood!. For a moment, it appeared as if we were back in school sitting on those wooden benches. The cacophony in the food court did not disturb us and we were soon engrossed in chatting and reminiscing the good times.

It was past 2:30 p.m. and yet nobody seemed hungry or even thirsty. But we wanted some comfort and perhaps a place that would provide some semblance of silence. We entered Hotel Moti Mahal. The paneer cubes were soft and instantly melted in mouth; chicken kebabs were edible but the food and service mediocre.

Atul relished on Paneer and enjoyed clicking photos of the food items as it was being served. Atul has the makings of a fantastic food writer. Next time, Atul lets meet at Delhi Durbar – opposite Regal. For 40 years their service, Biryani and other gourmet remains unchanged.

Samir was ready with his memories. Guess every strand in his beard has a childhood incident attached. Harish reminded of Gujarati film star with designer spectacles. Yogesh was busy predicting the future. Bala meanwhile was listening intently and ready with his witty one liner.

The girls were loquacious and looked younger. Madhavi was bemused to see men and figuring out their boyhood faces. Renuka spoke in measured tones and was glad to see everyone. Rekha was eloquent and was surprised to learn that some of us studied with her in the same school.

Kamlesh’s enthusiasm was infectious and he regaled everyone with his amazing experience in railways. Sajid didn’t enjoy the food but was delighted to meet everybody. Sunil Nair looked weary with his travels and was actively listening to all. Normally Sunil will crack a joke or two and laugh aloud.

Suresh was focused on the PTA meet that he had to attend later and was wondering why others couldn’t make it. Sunil Anchan was jovial, had a tongue in cheek reply to all and missed his class mates ( Division). Pravin walked in late and was overjoyed to see everybody around. Every now and then some body would remind us of friends who weren’t around and praise Alwyn and all those who regularly write mails on our e-group. It was 5 p.m. and the crowd started to rush in. Atul and Yogesh clicked few photos.

Thanks to Atul, Kamlesh and Madhavi for their mail, and Bala and Renuka whose phone calls managed to get few school friends to attend. Kudos to Suresh, whose dedication and tenacity ensures the reunion becomes a success. Thankfully, the rain God's arrived late and it poured heavily.

Words fail to describe the joy of meeting old school chums …...and hopefully such small reunions would someday lead to the Grand Reunion – 2011…Moreover with more than 60 members on school google group the grand union certainly seems possible and achievable!...

A special thanks to everyone who attended and made this reunion a success.

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