Saturday, August 22, 2009

Lord Ganesha – The Benevolent and Vighnahartha …

In the Hindu mythology, there are innumerable stories about various God and deities. However there is one Hindu God that is immensely popular across the world. No wonder this God is worshipped and loved by people of all ages and race. Wherever you travel, you will certainly come across shops selling photos, pendants, idols, wall hangings, and even decorative pieces of the Elephant God – Lord Ganesha or Ganpati. The combination of man and animal in the same form is also seen in the history of other countries as well.

Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the most popular of Hindu festivals. This is the birthday of Lord Ganesh and falls on the 4th day of the bright fortnight of Bhadrapad (somewhere falling around August - September).

Lord Ganesha represents the power of the Supreme Being is also known as Vighnaharta (the divine destroyer of obstacles) and ensures success in human endeavors. He is the chief deity of all the deities representing wisdom and intellect. Hindus therefore worship Ganesha first before beginning any religious, spiritual or worldly activity.

Ganesha is identified with the Hindu mantra Aum (ॐ, also called Om). The term oṃkārasvarūpa (Aum is his form), when identified with Ganesha, refers to the notion that he personifies the primal sound.

There are innumerable stories about Lord Ganesha and especially about his marriage. It is said that Lord Ganesha wanted his wife to be as beautiful as his Mother Parvati. Since there wasn’t anyone as beautiful as his mother, he decided to stay (celibate). So in South India, Ganesha is a celibate but in other parts of India they say Lord Brahma created two beautiful girls Riddhi (Abundance. Opulence, Wealth) and Siddhi (Spiritual Prowess) / Buddhi (Intelligence) and they were married to Lord Ganesha. In Bengal he is married to Kala Bo and linked with banana tree. It is said that if one has Riddhi but doesn’t have Siddhi / Buddhi then it is worthless. Possessing only Siddhi without Riddhi is also futile. Lord Ganesh bestows both these blessings to His ardent devotees.

If you look carefully at the Lord Ganesha, you will see a small mouse that act as his transport (Vahan), large ears, a big belly and four hands. If the trunk of 'Ganesha' is curved to the right, He is called 'Sidhi Vinayaka' and requires special and strict rituals to be followed during worship. Normally people get Ganesha idols with trunk curved to the left. Lord Ganesha sits with one foot on the ground and the other folded up, above the ground. This posture indicates that while we must operate in the world, one must be constantly aligned to our spiritual nature.

On Ganesh Chaturthi, Ganesh idol (made of special clay) is brought home. Chants of 'Ganpati Bappa Morya, Mangal Moorti Morya' rents in the air as the idols of Ganesha known as the 'Vignaharta' (remover of obstacles) slowly inches its way into the homes and hearts of his followers. These idols are kept for 1 ½ days, five days, 7 days, and 10 days and in some exceptional cases even for 21 days. During the days of India’s freedom struggle, Bal Gangadhar Tilak started public Ganesh pooja to bring people together and spread awareness about our freedom struggle.

Whether we witness green shoots or yellow weeds i.e. economic recovery or recession, nothing stops us from making more and more bigger idols and installing them in artistically decorated 'mandaps' ( large stage) across Mumbai, Pune and across the country. Thankfully people have started to get eco-friendly idols and observe eco friendly practices during immersion (Visarjan). Let’s hope in time to come we are able to eradicate the crass commercialization in Mumbai and allow free access to devotees to see the various beautiful idols.

Keeping the traffic congestion in mind, there are many who bring the idol a day before and next day devotees formally welcome the arrival of Ganesha and do the 'sthapana' (installation) of idols in sacred corners of their homes. Almost a fortnight before all preparations begins. Young and old assemble together and decide upon various contemporary themes and began decorating mandaps and even their homes. Family gatherings, entertainment programmes and meetings with people make this festival truly a cultural and social affair. Interestingly the old recordings of Lata Mangeshkar’s mellifluous rendition of Ganesh bhajan and songs are still enjoyable and are avidly played in various homes, radios, TV channels and in various housing complex and mandals

The best part always comes after the prayers and aarti (devotional songs) when the Lord's favourite 'Modak' (sweets) and ‘Laddoo’ are offered as Naivedya (Bhog or Prasad) is an offering to God. There are lots of fruits which are also offered and even used to decorate the place where the idol is installed. After the pooja is over people are served lunch on banana leaves.

It is difficult to resist delectable, mouth watering ‘Ukadiche Modak’ (Sweet stuffed rice flour dumpling - momos). You will find them in many Maharashtrian households
. The pleated shape is called as-Modak shape!

The dough is given the shape after filling it with a stuffing that usually comprise of grated coconut mixed in sugar or jaggery with additives of spices like cardamom, clove, and roasted Khuskhus (poppy seeds), cashew nuts, salt etc.

A restaurant called Diva Maharashtra in Mumbai innovatively serves Khima Modak i.e. Modak stuffed with minced lamb and equally tasty Paneer Karanji.

Modak is very easy to make and the recipe is available on the net. Ask any women and she would claim that her mother’s recipe is the best. You can also enjoy deep fried Modaks- the external coating is prepared out of Maida (flour). In market you will come across shops largely selling modaks made from Khawa ( Mawa) and available with Kesar (Saffron) Modak, Chocolate Modak, Malai modak, Pista (Pistachio) Modak and so on..

The 'Shlok' or Prayer for Lord Ganesh:
Vakratund mahakaay suryakoti samaprabha

Nirvighnam Kurume deva sarvakaryeshu sarvadaa

Its English translation reads as: “O mighty God with a trunk, your brilliance is like that of a thousand suns; free my path of all obstacles in all auspicious works that I undertake.”..

May Lord Ganesha bless you and your dear ones with health, wealth, intelligence and clear away all the obstacles from the path....

Ganapati Bappa Morya!!...

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